Monday, October 4, 2010

Understanding Purpose

Everything on earth has a purpose. The birds of the air, the cell phones, the tables and chairs etc, everything was as a result of purpose. If the inanimate things in life were made for a purpose, then humans as well must serve a purpose.
Purpose is the main reason for creating a thing. It is the original intent for manufacturing a product. Purpose is the answer to questions like: Who you are? What you are? Why am I different? What on earth was I born to accomplish? Purpose gives you a reason why you were born and what you were made to accomplish on earth.
No life on earth came as an accident. It was already work out. If life was an accident, it would have being a total chaos. But studying nature for instance, you would notice an order. Like the raising and setting of the sun.
So many people wonder why they were made, some are confused of who they are. Understanding purpose will reveal to you who you are and what you were born to accomplish. It is the key to lasting satisfaction and true fulfillment.
Dr David Ogbueli in his book, “The Essence of Life” revealed a striking idea about purpose. He said, “Every man’s purpose is people oriented and problem oriented. Your God-given purpose always involves people and problems. It’s about meeting people’s needs and solving life’s problems. If you really want to know if what you call your purpose is a true one, then you must check to see if it affects the lives of the people positively or if it solves a problem that will make life easier for someone else. You are not designed to live for yourself. At the same time, your purpose is not intended to solve your personal problems. It is designed for other people’s benefit not yours. Every problem in life is waiting for the right person who is cut our and wired to solve it – to rise up and fulfill their purpose.”   
The benefits of understanding purpose are it gives you a reason to live and to live effectively. It helps you to understand who you are, why you are and what you are made to achieve on earth. Author and preacher Myles Munroe stated that “The greatest tragedy is not death, but a life without purpose.” Without purpose life has no meaning, and any idea that has no meaning is a failed experiment.
What is your purpose? What were you born to achieve? What were you wired to solve? What are the hidden potentials and abilities the creator endowed you with? What on earth were you created to accomplish? These deep questions are a hint to understanding you are and your purpose.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Qualities of an Outstanding Vision

There are some distinctive qualities that distinguish some visions from others. These qualities are determinants to how a vision will prosper and impact people in the society.

A Vision that Meets Needs

Humanity has many needs. Life is full of problems and challenges that need to be solved and overcome. Men and women who made positive changes were ones who had the remedy to the adversity of their time. Imagine how you would feel when someone assists you in solving a problem that has been bugging you for a long time. That is why people like Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa etc are celebrated all over the world.

The fastest way for a vision to gain influence in the society is by offering solution to an existing or emerging problem. For instance, Jonas Stalk became an international and national renowned scientist when he provided the world with the polio vaccine. Martin Luther King became highly recognized by his effort to end racial segregation. Madame C.J Walker daughter of a former slave became the first known African American woman to become a self made millionaire by providing a hair care product to women in American who were suffering from severe dandruff and scalp diseases.

Men are willing to give anything to see their problems solved. When your vision meets a certain need, people show their appreciation by “paying” you for your heroic effort. Money is an exchange for services rendered and solutions provided. There are a lot of problems in our society waiting for the right person wired to solve them. You can be that person but all it takes is to conceive a vision.

Monday, September 6, 2010

How to Create Your Future

How to Create Your Future

The future of a man is very important because it is the place the person will spend most of his life. To create your future you don’t need physical things to start with and you don’t need to wait for tomorrow. The future of every man begins when the person knows exactly what he wants and how to achieve it.


Make a precise choice on what you desire. You can get this done by making a list of your dreams, what you like to become and what you would want to accomplish. Going through the list, identify the one you enjoy doing, you have great passion for and you can accomplish.

Focus your mind and thoughts on that very thing. Mediate and imagine yourself succeeding and becoming what you desire. Dwell and hold onto this picture for a long time and never allow it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop it.

With your mouth make confessions of those things you desire and imagine every day. Once the mind and the mouth coincide and correspond with each other, then there is no stopping to the future you desire to create.

Then make plans on how you want to accomplish your future. By planning you determine the perfect path in achieving your future. There is no future without planning. If you don’t have plans you would make a lot of mistakes and miss a lot of opportunities.

Take action according to your plans. Expect challenges and obstacles because they will surely come. Each time a plan fails to work, re-strategize and form another one. Don’t give up until that which you desire to achieve is accomplished.